If unpleasant things gross you out please don't read this-it is my experience in the hospital and at home
Posted by Beverly Farrington on September 20, 2008 at 2:09pm
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Posted by Beverly Farrington on September 20, 2008 at 2:09pm
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Woke with pain in lower abdomen every time I went to the bathroom and had to hold myself to urinate. It was bad all day. During the rest of the week it got worse with nausea , headache, unable to eat, dry heaves, unable to drink just sip.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Finally went to my family doctor. She did blood test and took x-ray of my stomach. She started me on antibiotics..
Friday, July 11, to Aug 7, 2008
Much worse today. My neighbor Barbara Sligh kept coming over to check on me and was very concerned. Finally, late afternoon she said she was taking me to the ER. Donald said he would meet us there. We arrived about 5:50 pm, from there I went down hill quickly. My body started shutting down fast. I became very incoherent. I couldn’t even remember my social security number. Was sitting in wheelchair when my body shut down. It looked like I was sleeping but I wasn’t. I heard thing around me but unable to respond. Finally got into examination room about 7 pm. Nurses undressed me and put a hospital johnny on me. They decided that I was very dehydrated and started giving me iv fluids. Was admitted to the hospital about 3 am Saturday , July 12, 2008. It went very bad from there. They put 40-50 lbs of fluid onto me and my kidneys wouldn’t release it. A kidney biopsy was done. My weight was so fast that my feet and legs couldn't support it to stand. In the mean time they were giving me massive amounts of steroids and antibiotics. My body conditions got worse with no answers, so they did a bone marrow test. By Saturday, July 19, 2008 my condition was so bad they decided to do exploratory surgery. I told God before going into surgery that if he wanted me home to take me. I must have more work here on earth to do as I came through. I had a huge hole in my colon and septic was going through my body. Without the surgery I would have died of septic poisoning. I was told I had imaginary people in the room( I was on morphin from the time I arrived July 11 to the third week I was there and refused to use more). Talked about my grandchildren Kaitlyn and Zachary being in the hall and my Son DJ(they are in Maine and couldn't be there). They used every antibiotic there was on the market to use after to fight infection. One I was alergic to "Cefepime". I had about 7 iv lines that failed. They finally put a pick line in a deep vein to my heart to draw blood. They left that one for a week and closed that so I wouldn't get another infection and put another pick line in my left groin. I had so much blood drawn from July 12-Aug 7, 2008 that there wasn’t a vein left to use. My right leg and arm have many blood clots from being so big(200 + lbs) and not being able to move in the bed to keep them fluid. They got me healed and stabilized so I could go home with pill prescriptions. I improved 1000 percent when I got home. My dear neighbor Barbara Sligh took care and changed my dressing morning and evening. The Home health care released me last week Sept 11th Carmen came to the house to finish up and released me.I am showing a couple of photos my husband took to show what it is to have a colostomy bag to empty your stool and one of what I look like now.
I am thanking God that I have the possibility to have it reversed. I go in November to the surgeon to discuss the reversal. She never saw me before all the fluid was put on my body. She didn't recognize me when I went for my follow up and weigh 149 lbs! She boldly told me that had she not operated I would have died(said I probably felt like dying). I have to be honest that it didn't enter my mind. I knew I was in God's hands and wasn't afraid. I was more concerned of what it was doing to my husband.
My oldest daughter came from Maine for the week end so was there for my surgery, one of my sisters came when I was in ICU(She called another sister in Maine when she got home horrified at how I looked). Some of my neighbors came and the officials of the community association as I am the Treasurer. NONE of them said anything of how horrible I looked(bless them). One dear neighbor even told me I looked beautiful. Keep in mind I never saw a mirror until the last few days in the hospital(I couldn't believe the way I looked. I didn't recognize myself!).If you don't feel well, get it checked. I could't believe how fast my health failed.