But it never fails that he will take his burger out of the pan while mine is still cooking. After a bit I'll add cheese to the top of mine while finishing cooking. His bun has warmed in the toaster, then mine goes in while my burger is finishing cooking. This is where the frustrating part comes in. My burger still usually looks almost like his in the center and even sometimes LESS cooked. The last time I took a photo but it doesn't do the burgers justice, because they were really red and the photo don't show it. Hubby jokingly said that is because they are "Southern cows, no matter how long you cook it it doesn't matter the cow is used to the heat" it took me quite some time to realize what he had said. I laughed so hard I thought I'd cry and hitting my hand on the table too. Maybe....he has a point there. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that meats just don't taste like they used to when I was growing up. No flavor. But that is just an old grandma's opinion.