This is a frustration post as I'm very distraught over the actions of one of my cats. They have always come to the kitchen window and scratch furiously when they wanted to come in. The calico one Shadow doesn't like to be ignored, which I do because they go in and out like children, but don't know how to open the door themselves.
Today, late in the afternoon she kept scratching at the window and I totally ignored her as I was working on the computer. Eventually, I saw both cats cross my view from the computer window. Immediately, I knew that it wasn't anything I would like seeing. Shadow was carrying something in her mouth and trotting as fast as she could, while Black Beauty followed checking things out.
I went to the door as fast as I could get to it, camera in tow to always get the proof of her gifts. She loves to bring me gifts and without realizing it had ignored that fact. When I found her it looked to be a small bird still alive. So, I told her sternly NO and let it go. She didn't like that one bit. She picked her prize up and trotted into the back yard again. When I caught up with her, I was horrified to see she had a baby duck!
Where she got it I have no clue. Trying to rescue it but it was faster than you would believe. I kept trying to pick it up, but it made it to the chain link fence between our property and a neighbors with Shadow fast following. It made it into next back yard, but I was unable to tell if it got from her reach. I have not seen my cat since.