It has been quite some time since I have written anything here. I have spent a lot of time in the hospital and recovering. I had two major surgeries in 2008 within three and a half month of each other. The first to save my life, the second to reverse what had to be done the first time. The second one may have been too soon, but it is too late now to be concerned with that. To this day they do not what caused my situation. They found a blood and kidney issue that didn't want to stay in check. My blood pressure sky rocketed into the 200 plus over 100 range. I am being monitored closely with both situations. My body has just begun to come out of the fog it has been in for weeks. I lost about a month and began noticing my surroundings just before Christmas. It has been a slow recovery. My husband says no more hospital stays for me, as I have to come home to get well. My dear neighbor and husband have nursed me back to health both times. God blessed me with my life and I can't thank him enough for giving me more time with my family and loved ones. This is the first time I have been able to think coherently to want to write anything in months. I want to thank everyone that has been praying for me and please continue. I still have a long ways to go to regaining my health and strength. It amazes me what little things tire me and I am unable to do. I have lost lots of weight. Thank you to all my loved ones, friends and online friends that have supported me through this ordeal. God bless each and everyone of you.