We went through a few days of misery last week. Our house air conditioner was working fine until Tuesday night. Hubby said it was getting warm in the house and I said things were fine. Went to the thermostat and sure enough it wasn't working.
The house had quickly warmed to the 80's. We opened the windows and had the ceiling fans all going. I suffered through the next day. When hubby got home we check things out. Testing the fuses by the unit itself they were blown. We replaced them. I crawled (yes me hubby is to big) under the house to check the circuit breaker. It tested okay, so I flipped it back on.
The air conditioner came on but didn't COOL the temperature in the house still rising. So the major decision to call the air conditioner man. When he came the next day. Low and behold our compressor was shot once again (replaced 2 years ago) no warranty on it now. The wires were burned black. He said must have been a huge power surge either from lightning or from a big power line during a storm.
Ordered a new one to get the next day. Well everything went wrong. They gave him wrong sized fittings and then it began to rain... so it didn't get finished until Saturday. Four days later.
You quickly learn to appreciate things when you no longer have them. Our whole house fan helped but the temperature still didn't get below 83-84 degrees and very humid. We were very thankful when it got fixed.
But ooooh the huge bill to pay!
The azaleas are what our front yard looks like in the Spring!