Today is a beautiful day weather wise. Sunny and not too uncomfortable, unlike dear hubby is going to be. He starts his preparing for a colostomy real early Monday morning. For him to just drink clear fluids with no food is really hard. He LOVES food.
I eat to live but he really loves food especially peanut butter. So far today all he has had is apple juice, ice popcicles and soda. Soon, he will be taking the laxative and three hours later the Gatorade with the other preparation solution. Don't envy him one bit. I went through it for my surgery in November of 2008.
He has already been sitting on the toilet with cramps. I am fairly sure it has a lot to do with all the citrus and sugar. Sorry to say his worse is yet to come. Sitting in the bathroom with his system cleansing itself. Two thirty in the morning he has to get up and finish the drink solution every fifteen minutes until gone.
We will be there most of the day :O(