Went to see the foliage in the north western part of NC a couple of weeks back. Watched my diet and medications for days. It was a hard trying drive but we made it.

I climbed the 50 steps to the bridge that spans 80 feet 1 mile 5280 feet photo taken at the middle of the bridge from cliff to cliff on a very windy day! This is a major accomplishment for me as I have been very leery(scared) of heights since being pregnant with my youngest child who is now 30 years old. I did not look down either side of the bridge crossing either way, stopped long enough to take the photo of the sign in the middle of the bridge only and hubby's foot in the site as well. Hind site should have let the lady behind us take the photo with both of standing at the middle for more proof that I actually did it! But hubby said no, but thanks.
The sites were breathtaking and we couldn't get enough photos. I ran out of memory on my camera.